Last post outlined US historic traffic crash data since 1975 and noted the significant increase in traffic-related death and injury rates overall and especially for those using active transportation (walking, running, cycling and more) since 2020. I finished that post advocating that culture change is the most accessible, least expensive key to improving safety for all road users. At the same time, I certainly noted that culture change is most difficult goal we, as humans, can ever shoot to achieve.
Culture change is a process that requires three primary components: problem identification, practical solution advocacy and culture buy-in - and it all starts with engaged action.
Below are example bullets, and I sure don't mean to slap myself on the back. Engaging in change has been a lifelong labor of love, with some wins and many more losses.
Regarding road safety, I’m, first, a lifelong avid cyclist and, second, a longtime engaged resident as an appointed or elected local official working on team efforts to identify problems and develop solutions to improve road safety for all.
2012-2020: Chaired Westborough, MA, Bike and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC).
- Mission:
- Improve safety and access for pedestrians and cyclists through town
- Build a multi-purpose (walk/bike) path
- Success highlights:
- Secured funding to install Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFB’s) at 17 high-use crosswalks in town.
- Road Safety Audit (RSA) of downtown traffic rotary (roundabout) and follow-up mitigation measures, like painting driving directions just before entering the rotary as shown below.
- Led an effort to start Boston-Worcester Air Line Trail (BWALT) construction.
2021-Present: Hickory, NC
- Active with our Western Piedmont Council of Government (WPCOG) through its Movability Advisory Committee that now has become the Transportation Safety Plan Subcommittee focused on improving safety for all modes of transportation in our Western Piedmont 4-county region.
- Member of the Hickory Safe Streets for All Transportation Safety Plan Focus Group
- Leading an initiative to develop a business and community organization led movement to improve road safety by promoting heightened personal responsibility and mutual accountability for all road users (the logo below is subject to change)
- BikeWalkNC (BWNC) board member since 2022. BWNC is North Carolina’s statewide active transportation advocacy organization.
- Participated in North Carolina State Highway Safety Plan 2024 drafting with a focus on improved active transportation and intersection safety.
- Have helped coordinate state legislator active transportation advocacy meetings during the League of American Bicyclists Washington, DC, National Summit since 2023 and will be back again this March.
- Helped produce two “In This Together” BWNC/Foreword Films pedestrian and cycling safety videos.
- Working with 2025 BWNC Transportation Summit leadership team to prepare for our annual summit sited this year in Hickory.
I've written here and have spoken out many times that the status quo regarding poor traffic safety for all modes of transportation is unacceptable. Speaking is one thing. Taking action is the only way to get rubber on road, and I hope what you see above inspires you to get involved in your community to encourage positive change. It really takes one small step to get started, like just checking in with someone in your community you know is involved.
That's how I got started.
I'll keep you posted about progress.