Engaged Action is Key to Culture Change Needed to Make Roads Safe For All
US traffic safety, especially for pedestrians and cyclists, has declined significantly since 2020. Engaged action is key to culture change to improve road safety for all.

US Traffic Crash Data and What It Means for Pedestrians and Cyclists
Despite a 65% increase in US population over 45 years, US traffic crashes of all types declined from 1975 to 2019 but then turned upward in 2020 (Covid) with significant increases in crashes involv...

This Holiday Season, Join the Breitz! Movement to Make Our Streets Safe For All
Breitz! "Be bright, be seen!" cycling and run wear is just one step toward igniting a non-partisan "we the people" movement focused on making our streets safe for all road users.

This Holiday Season, Make Your Loved Ones and You More Visible to Drivers
Make your loved ones and you more visible to drivers with Breitz! "Be bright, be seen!" cycling and run wear.

Why Hickory To Host BikeWalkNC Transportation Summit 2025
Hickory is taking action on many fronts to decrease its high rate of traffic crashes and will be an excellent site for our 2025 BikeWalkNC Transportation Summit.

Breitz!, Wray Ward and Disruptively Positive Road Safety Improvement
Top notch Wray Ward marketing professionals are forging Breitz! into a disruptively positive force focused on improving road safety for all.