Rubber on Road
First, The Problem: Hickory's 2024 PeopleForBikes Ranking is a Call to Action
Hickory, North Carolina, continues to rate low in PeopleForBIkes safe biking city ratings. That's the problem. Next post: solutions in place and more we're pursuing to make our roads safe of all.
How Breitz! Is Responding to the US Traffic Crash Crisis
Breitz! is responding to our current US traffic crash crisis by both making bright, bold "Help drivers see you" cycling and run wear and organizing a community and business-led Safe Streets For All effort in Hickory, NC, designed to promote individual responsibility and mutual accountability for all road users.
Honoring Bentonville Bike Fest 2024 with Breitz! "Rollback" Sale
Offering a Walmart-like Bentonville Bike Fest 2024 price rollback on Breitz! "6 Feet, Thanks!" cycling and run wear and will attend this week's Bike Fest 2024 to build on positive outdoor industry response to a community/business-led Safe Streets For All effort first pitched at Sea Otter Classic 2023.
Something Different, Part 2: Mindfully Accepting and Adapting to “What Is”
There are two kids of change: voluntary and involuntary change. Both require mindfully recognizing the nature of the change and then, just as mindfully, either taking deliberate steps to make an achievable change or accepting and adapting to a change that has become a matter of fact "what is".
What's the Link Between a Theatrical Play and Performance Wear?
Both the play "Barbecue" and Breitz! performance wear are disruptive, use wit to engage their audience and send the same "we need each other to stay alive" message.
Something Different, Part 1: Getting Out of a Rut
Getting out of a rut requires waking up and acknowledging the need to change a certain behavior pattern, making one deliberate change and keeping the change drive alive.
Breitz!: More Than a Brand; It's About Connecting With You To Make Streets Safe For All
The Breitz! story is about connecting with YOU to improve street safety for ALL.
Vera Guitars Plus Wray Ward and What That Means For Breitz!
Seeing what Wray Ward is doing for Vera Guitars is strong evidence that Wray Ward can help Breitz! explode into the cycling and run wear market and help make our streets safer for all.
Breitz! Teaming With Wray Ward Marketing Pros
Breitz! is teaming with Charlotte-based Wray Ward to promote "6 Feet, Thanks!" cycling/run performance wear and improve road safety for all.
Holiday Discount to Help Drivers See Your Loved Cyclist
Make your loved cyclist highly visible to drivers with Breitz! bright, bold "6 feet, Thanks!" cycling wear.
Culture and Behavior Change Initiatives In Hickory to Improve Road Safety For All
Road accidents in all forms have only increased in recent years. Hickory, NC, has two initiatives in works designed to changing road behavior and culture to make roads safer for all.
Road Behavior Change Urgency Example: Hickory Area Cyclist Hit and Run Accident
A recent hit-and-run driver-on-cyclist accident is an example of increased traffic accident rates and urgent need for accident reducing road behavior change.
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